God made man, man made money. Money by simple definition is a generally accepted unit / item used for payment or exchange for goods and services.
Money naturally is of great importance to all societies and those who constitute same. The need to earn it, propel people to offer services and or goods to those in need for an agreed fee.
Outside serving as a means of exchange, it is also used thus :
Some people are made to part with a specified amount as a restitution for a breach.
In appreciation of a gesture, it is presented to people or institutions.
States collect a fraction of it, from citizens and industries for the service of the system.
States, corporations , related institutions and personalities also use it (money) to solicit favour, assistance, endorsement patronage from like bodies.
Here in Nigeria, the involvement of money in our political activities looks wrongly applied, a result of which makes the country to be stagnant, after several years of nationhood, considering the material resources and human capita available to the nation. In view of the stated, there is an urgent need to conduct a reappraisal of the situation: looking back and forth, placing the nation once again, against states Nigeria started with, say sixty years, down the line.
At independence, most nations viewed the position of the nation ( Nigeria) then, many visualised greatness in the land considering what obtains then, envy was an understatement a word of how nations like India, China, Japan, Brazil ,some European countries too felt about Nigeria!
This was a nation that had a television station ahead of France.
This was a nation that had a thriving airliner, then.
This was a nation having a sizeable fleet of ships.
This was a nation, who was indeed a big brother and a true giant to most African countries, then.
This was a nation that her citizens, will rush back home after studying abroad.
After years of dwindling fortune, several years of political experimentation, we found ourselves in the present arrangement, the best we can do remains getting the better of the democratic process for the good of the state of Nigeria. Sadly, that has eluded us, as we have kept doing the right thing in a wrong manner! Our bane has been the wrong deployment of money in politics! Political engineering, electioneering is of immense cost implication, but it must be rightfully applied for the desired result.
To have it better, we have to the review funding of our party apparatus or structure, as it obtains in developed nations of the world, failure to act right is to retrogress, which is not the best for anyone or our nation.
Our present arrangement, is having a limited few, the moneybags / the godfathers, funding our parties. This is dangerous and counterproductive, a look into it over the years, how has it impacted positively, if any? We need to ask ourselves, how do they source funds for the enormous task? Also, after the perceived investment, don't we expect them to have a return on investment? If we expect them to recover their investment, from where will such emanate? There is need for a redirection whereby a whole lot of people are encouraged and possibly persuaded to join the fray, they are informed on the importance of participation of mass of the people: idea wise and monetarily. People should begin to not only participate, rather they should also contribute! This gives all and sundry, a sense of belonging.
When we begin again to have it like in the olden days. The situation whereby an individual bankrolls the party, he is at liberty to handing down order to a multitude, which is mostly against our wish, countless of such exists, there is no need mentioning them, as we all are aware of this.
As we get collective IN the party structure, so should we replicate same on our candidates, our candidates should never be left alone to fund their campaign solely, we should have more people rallying around them donating towards their
aspiration, presently it is either a godfather bankroll their election of the candidate(s) or candidate(s) go out of his / her way to source for funds towards his / her election, this makes it difficult for us to convey ideas across to them, should they eventually emerge successful at the polls. "To whom much is given, much is expected".
The cause of man's problem is right in front of man, should he stand before a mirror.
We should desist from collecting money for vote from candidates, if indeed we are serious about rebuilding Nigeria!
Same applies to rallies or polling stations.
Who can confidently testify that the money collected since 1999 during campaigns and or elections have liberated him / her out of poverty? The money we collect are those meant for our hospitals, roads, education and the rest of amenities needed for improved living, we should admit that fact, and turn a brand new leaf of voting our conscience, based on the sound presentation of candidates. We are not doing ourselves and generation yet unborn any good, by not taking candidates through the rigour of expression of their indepth knowledge of the task of fixing the state, as we get distracted by the pittance they have to offer.
Over the years, we seem to stress money at the expense of meaningful ideologically campaigns, we should have a rethink on this! It is only through robust debates, question and answer sessions, idea based rallies, gruelling interviews with journalists, civil society groups and other social observers that we really can detect who deserves to mount the saddle of leadership.
People oftentimes yield easily, citing poverty as the reason for collection of pittance from politicians, especially during campaigns and electioneering. While some school of thought subscribe to people collecting money and vote their conscience, the most ideal is for the people not to receive the inducement and act based on their conscience, as money offered can never last till the next election! In essence, people should device better means of getting out of poverty, rather than through political gratification or inducement!